Why Social Media?

Amy Jo Martin, in her latest Harvard Business Review blog, makes a strong case for WHY businesses need to be embracing Social Media today, and not waiting until some future date.  She gives her 'three why's of social media.' 

  1. It saves money. This is always a good why to start with. And it's not just savings on jet fuel for that three-minute TV spot. Reach versus investment is fundamentally different than any other medium. Research, customer service and traditional advertising allocations can be decreased.
  2. It's safer than it seems. Executives like to point to all the news stories of brand-damaging social fails as reason to move cautiously. But I believe 90 % of the of the corporate social media crisis communications situations I've witnessed over the past five years could have been prevented if proper education was provided.
  3. Better communication enhances company culture. A socially communicating company is one in which, employees are happier and more productive. Social media allows people to expose their 'why' to co-workers and connect with other co-workers who believe what they believe.

Consumers want to know you, and your company, before they make a purchase. Social Media is all about giving them that human touch, in a more authentic way, if handled correctly. Read her full article here.


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Actually Innovation IS a Laughing Matter

Companies should keep it fun to get the creative juices flowing, researchers say. An atmosphere of laughter and joy create a more open, energetic and playful work environment, making it more likely that employees will take on and tackle problems with creativity. "Humor can be valuable as a de-railer -- its disruptive, intrusive quality ringing out over frustration or fear," according to a British Psychological Society research summary. Check out more from INC's 'One Bug You Want Your Office to Catch'.


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Small Businesses are Eating Big Corporations' Lunch When it Comes to Social Commerce on Facebook.

It's easier for mom-and-pop operations to close a sale while remaining friendly and personable, explains Paul Chaney, author of "The F-Commerce Handbook." Also small stores can be nimble and quickly change to the trends in their niche or industry.  Also key is that smaller companies are able to give their customers a feeling of being treated as individuals through social media engagement.  Large companies struggle with this aspect when they deal with fans into the millions versus into the thousands.  So if you are a Small to Medium Size Business, strike now while you have the advantage!

Read more at 'Facebook commerce a hit for small retailers.'

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Is Email the new Snail Mail?

'Don't send it to my email, I only check that once a week.'  This type of statement is more and more common lately and some are predicting that Email, as we know it, may be a relic of the past in not the too distant future.  There are so many other ways to communicate in the growing Social Media world.  Just a few of the methods now available are Twitter, IM, Texting, and all the other instant communications wrapped into Social Media platforms like Facebook and Yammer.  So going to your email inbox is now like having to stop what you are doing and go check your mailbox at home. 


And it is not just with individuals. Large companies are starting to notice this trend. For example, in early 2011, the CEO of a French IT company issued an unusual memorandum. He banned email. Employees were discouraged from sending or receiving internal messages, with the goal of eradicating email within 18 months.  Read about that and this topic in general in Fast Company's article titled 'Email Is the New Pony Express--And It's Time To Put It Down.'


Google+ Surpasses Twitter & Now Number 2 Behind Facebook


Google+ now has 343 million active users compared to a little under 300 million active users for Twitter and YouTube. But all have a ways to catch up with Facebook’s 1 billion users.

Although many probably thought Google+ was just a blip on the radar and would go away, it seems highly unlikely that it will.  It has too many good things going for it.  Here are the main four reasons Google+ has, and will continue to be a force to be reckoned with in my opinion:

Users are active

Google+, unlike Twitter, encourages group discussions.

Communities are forming

There is a lot of excitement about the 'communities' being formed in Google+. The setting up and administration of a community is quick and easy.

Google+ has strong support from influential people

Within the communities you will find well known personalities who are active. Thomas Hawk, Ashton Kutcher, Guy Kawasaki and Sarah Hill, just to name a few.

Google+ is more useful

There are just so many different ways to use and interact with Google+. It has the regular postings, similar to Facebook, Communities, Hangouts, works within Gmail and the list goes on and on. There seems to be no limit to the different ways to approach using Google+ because the platform is designed to be flexible for almost any approach.


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