Managing a company's Facebook
page does not stop at making a post. It is SOCIAL media, meaning two-way communication.
Once you make your posts, then you need to engage and interact with your fans on your page AND on their pages. Make it a point to respond, in a timely manner, to EVERY comment made on your page — whether it be positive or negative. Even negative ones give you a chance to defuse and rectify a fan's negative feeling toward your brand. And then spend time on your Fan's pages, liking, commenting and sharing. Afterall, that is what you want them to do on yours, right?
Not only is this important for customer relations, but also for your Facebook Edgerank!
Too many times we see companies leaving the SOCIAL part out of their social media.
In short, if you don’t have time to be human, and engage with your fans, then you may want to decide if it is worth having a Facebook page, since doing something bad may be worse than doing it at all.
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